
Name: smb-volume-release

Owner: Cloud Foundry

Description: BOSH release with SMB driver and Azure File Service Broker

Created: 2017-09-21 18:06:55.0

Updated: 2018-05-15 10:13:18.0

Pushed: 2018-05-14 19:01:17.0


Size: 239

Language: Shell

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SMB volume release

This is a bosh release that packages:

The broker and driver pair allows you:

The test server provides an easy test target with which you can try out volume mounts of preexisting shares.

Deploying to Cloud Foundry

  1. Install Cloud Foundry, or start from an existing CF deployment. If you are starting from scratch, the article Overview of Deploying Cloud Foundry provides detailed instructions.

  2. Install GO:

    r ~/workspace ~/go
     tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.9.linux-amd64.tar.gz
     'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> ~/.bashrc
     'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
  3. Install direnv:

    r -p $GOPATH/src/
    clone $GOPATH/src/
    d $GOPATH/src/
    sudo make install
     'eval "$(direnv hook bash)"' >> ~/.bashrc
Create and Upload this Release
  1. Clone smb-volume-release (master branch) from git:

    t clone
    renv allow .
    t checkout master
  2. Bosh create the release

    sh -n create-release --force
  3. Bosh upload the release

    SH CLI v2
    sh -n -e <YOUR BOSH DEPLOYMENT NAME> upload-release
Redeploy Cloud Foundry with smb enabled
  1. You should have it already after deploying Cloud Foundry, but if not clone the cf-deployment repository from git:

    t clone
  2. Now redeploy your cf-deployment while including the smb ops file:

    sh -e my-env -d cf deploy cf.yml -v deployment-vars.yml -o ../smb-volume-release/operations/deploy-smb-broker-and-install-driver.yml

Note: the above command is an example, but your deployment command should match the one you used to deploy Cloud Foundry initially, with the addition of a -o ../smb-volume-release/operations/deploy-smb-broker-and-install-driver.yml option.

Your CF deployment will now have a running service broker and volume drivers, ready to mount or create SMB volumes. Unless you have explicitly defined a variable for your broker password, BOSH will generate one for you. You can find the password for use in broker registration via the bosh interpolate command:

 int deployment-vars.yml --path /smb-broker-password

Testing or Using this Release

Deploying the Test SMB Server (Optional)

If you do not have an existing SMB Server then you can optionally deploy the test SMB server bundled in this release.

The easiest way to deploy the test server is to include the enable-smb-test-server.yml operations file when you deploy Cloud Foundry, also specifying smb-username and smb-password variables:

sh -e my-env -d cf deploy cf.yml -v deployment-vars.yml \
 smb-username=smbuser \
 smb-password=something-secret \
 ../smb-volume-release/operations/deploy-smb-broker-and-install-driver.yml \

NOTE: This test SMB server only works with Ubuntu stemcells.

Register azurefilebroker
Create an SMB volume service with an existing storage account on Azure
  1. type the following:

     create-service smbvolume AzureFileShare myVolume -c '{"storage_account_name":"<YOUR-AZURE-STORAGE-ACCOUNT>"}'
Create an SMB volume service with a new storage account on Azure
  1. type the following:

     create-service smbvolume AzureFileShare myVolume -c '{"storage_account_name":"<YOUR-AZURE-STORAGE-ACCOUNT>, "location":"<YOUR-LOCATION>"}'


    • Please see more details about parameters here.
    • The Azure file share only can be bound to your application in Linux when they are in the same location.
Create an SMB volume service with a preexisting share
  1. type the following:

     create-service smbvolume Existing myVolume -c '{"share":"//"}'

    NOTE: The format of the share is //server/folder or \\\\server\\folder.

Deploy the pora test app, first by pushing the source code to CloudFoundry
  1. type the following:

    t clone
     push pora --no-start
  2. Bind the service to your app supplying the correct Azure file share. Broker will create it if it does not exist by default.

     bind-service pora myVolume -c '{"share": "one"}'
  3. Bind the service to your app supplying the correct credentials for preexisting shares.

     bind-service pora myVolume -c '{"username":"smbuser","password":"something-secret"}'


    • Please see more details about parameters here.
    • If you are using an Azure file share as the preexisting share, you need to specify "vers": "3.0" in the parameters.
    • mount: By default, volumes are mounted into the application container in an arbitrarily named folder under /var/vcap/data. If you prefer to mount your directory to some specific path where your application expects it, you can control the container mount path by specifying the mount option. The resulting bind command would look something like
  4. Start the application

     start pora
Test the app to make sure that it can access your SMB volume
  1. to check if the app is running, curl should return the instance index for your app
  2. to check if the app can access the shared volume curl writes a file to the share and then reads it back out again.

BBR Support

If you are using Bosh Backup and Restore (BBR) to keep backups of your Cloud Foundry deployment, consider including the enable-azurefile-broker-backup.yml operations file from this repository when you redeploy Cloud Foundry. This file will install the requiste backup and restore scripts for service broker metadata on the backup/restore VM.


If you have trouble getting this release to operate properly, try consulting the Volume Services Troubleshooting Page

Deploying the service broker with cf push

You may wish to run the service broker in Cloud Foundry using cf push instead of bosh deploying it. That has the benefit of using one less virtual machine. To do that, you will first need to modify the deploy-smb-broker-and-install-driver.yml operations file to remove the service broker, and then push the broker instead using the steps below.

When the service broker is cf pushed, you can bind it to a MSSql or MySql database service instance.

NOTE It is not supported to bind to Azure SQL with an old meta-azure-service-broker before v1.5.1 because the variable names do not match. You must specify variables in the manifest.

If you want to use an Azure SQL service to store data for the service broker,

Once you have a database service instance available in the space where you will push your service broker application, follow the following steps:

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.