
Name: ddns-sd

Owner: Discourse

Description: RFC6763 DNS Service Discovery record management for Docker

Created: 2017-08-30 01:02:27.0

Updated: 2018-04-16 06:20:27.0

Pushed: 2018-04-16 06:20:25.0

Homepage: null

Size: 80

Language: Ruby

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Docker DNS-SD (ddns-sd) is a tool for publishing service information gathered from Docker containers using the DNS-Based Service Discovery (DNS-SD) standard. DNS-SD is a particular “pattern” of standard DNS records (PTR, SRV, and TXT records) that allow for browsing and querying services on a network. Whilst it is often used in concert with Multicast DNS (mDNS), it works just as well with regular DNS services, and that is how it is usually used in a Docker-based system.

How it Works

On startup, ddns-sd looks for DNS records that refer to the local machine and its containers, and compares those against the records that should exist based on the current set of running containers. It creates and removes records as required, to make the DNS align with the running containers.

After that, when containers are started and stopped, DNS records are created or removed, as necessary, to reflect the containers that are in service. If a container stops unexpectedly (that is, it terminates with a non-zero exit code, and was not stopped by explicit request), then the DNS records are not removed, so that monitoring systems can detect that the container should still exist, and alerts can be raised.

When ddns-sd itself is stopped (via the TERM signal, the default when you ask to shutdown a container via docker stop) it removes all the DNS records it manages, on the assumption that we may be shutting down the machine, and all services should be deregistered. If you know you're only doing a restart, you can send the SIGHUP signal instead (via docker kill -s HUP ddns-sd), and this will cause ddns-sd to leave all the DNS records in place when it exits.


As you would expect from something that manages Docker containers, it is available as a Docker image:

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -e DDNSSD_HOSTNAME=$(hostname -s) \
    -e DDNSSD_ZONE=route53:prod.example.com \

The -v option is required to allow the container to listen for Docker events like “container created” and “container removed”, while the environment variables shown above are the minimum configuration required (see “Configuration”, below, for all valid environment variables and their meaning).

Note that ddns-sd runs as UID 1000, with GIDs 1000 and 999. The socket that you pass into the container must be accessible by one of those IDs.

You can also run ddns-sd without a container, for testing or whatever takes your fancy, as follows:

DDNSSD_HOSTNAME=$(hostname -s) \
DDNSSD_ZONE=route53:prod.example.com \
RUBYLIB=lib bin/ddns-sd

You're expected to have a running Docker installation with a socket at /var/run/docker.sock that the executing user has access to, in order for this to have any chance of success (or see the DOCKER_HOST environment variable, below, for how to specify an alternate path).


All ddns-sd configuration is done via environment variables. The recognised variables are listed below.

Required Environment Variables

All of these environment variables must be set when ddns-sd is started, otherwise the program will immediately exit with an error message.

Optional Environment Variables

The following environment variables are all optional, in that they have a sensible default which works OK in at least some circumstances.

Each DNS service plugin may also have its own configuration variables that can be used to configure backend-specific items; see the description of your chosen service backend under “Support DNS Services”, below, for more details.

Container Configuration

In order for a service to be registered for a container, the container itself must opt-in to registration, by setting labels on the container. Labels can be set on the image when it is built (and will propagate into the running container), or set directly on the container at runtime.

Basic registration

To cause a service instance to be registered on behalf of a container, the label org.discourse.service._<name>.port must exist, and the value must be an exposed port in the container.

The <name> in the label must follow the rules for service names in RFC6335, in particular section 5.1, which states:

Valid service names are hereby normatively defined as follows:

  • MUST be at least 1 character and no more than 15 characters long

  • MUST contain only US-ASCII letters 'A' - 'Z' and 'a' - 'z', digits '0' - '9', and hyphens ('-', ASCII 0x2D or decimal 45)

  • MUST contain at least one letter ('A' - 'Z' or 'a' - 'z')

  • MUST NOT begin or end with a hyphen

  • hyphens MUST NOT be adjacent to other hyphens

[…] Although service names may contain both upper-case and lower-case letters, case is ignored for comparison purposes, so both “http” and “HTTP” denote the same service.

The underscore is required in the tag name, but isn't part of the “service name” itself (and therefore isn't one of the 15 characters).

Many existing protocols and services have an IANA-registered service name, and you are encouraged to use them where possible. If you do need to create your own service name, you probably want to at least skim over RFC6763 section 7, as it contains a lot of useful advice. (Ignore section 7.1, though; we don't support subtypes.)

The port number specified in the ...<port> label is always the container-internal port number (that is, the port inside the container which the service will listen on). Depending on various criteria, the port that ends up in the SRV record may be different to this port number (more on that under “Registering published ports”, below).

In the simplest case, with an exposed port and a routable address to register, the following DNS entries will be created:

There are various special cases that will cause the DNS entries created to be different to that above, covered in the below sections:

Custom instance names

By default, the “instance” portion of the DNS-SD entry will be taken from the name of the container. If you wish to override it, you should set the label org.discourse.service._<name>.instance, containing a string which identifies the service instance to register.

The value of the .instance label can be any “Net-Unicode” text (UTF-8, basically) up to and including 63 octets in length (as per RFC6763 section 4.1.1). In practice, I happen to think you're inviting trouble if you use anything other than the shortest practical sequence of letters, numbers, and hyphens (if for no other reason than we can't guarantee that every DNS backend will behave in a standards-compliant manner in the face of unexpected input), but the spec lets you do it, so we will too.

Registering multiple instances of a service

In some fairly uncommon cases, you may need to register multiple instances of a service (on different ports) for the same container. In that case, you can use a numeric identifier after the service name to differentiate between the different instances, like so:

org.discourse.service._<service>.0.port     = "8080"
org.discourse.service._<service>.0.instance = "foo"
org.discourse.service._<service>.1.port     = "9090"
org.discourse.service._<service>.1.instance = "bar"

This will register a SRV record for foo._<service>._tcp.<domain> on port 8080, and another SRV record for bar._<service>._tcp.<domain> on port 9090.

There is nothing special about “port” and “instance” in the example above; any other per-service label you need (as described in later sections) can also be applied with this numeric association pattern.

Registering non-TCP services

The DNS-SD RFC has some slightly unorthodox ideas about whether a service resource record name should have _tcp or _udp in it. Essentially, the rules are: if it uses TCP, it gets _tcp, and if it's anything else (whether that be UDP, SCTP, QUIC, or anything else people come up with) it gets _udp.

For that reason, if you have a non-TCP service to register, you should set this label in your container:

The possible values for the label are:

Note that there is the potential for unpleasantness if you set protocol=both for a published port, but the addresses for the TCP and UDP publishing records don't match. This is because of the way SRV records work – they point to a name, not an address, so if you want to point foo._bar._tcp at a different address from foo._bar._udp, you'd need separate hostnames to point to. Since this is the sort of pathological case that should never be encouraged, this isn't supported. The address provided by the tcp publishing record will take precedence.

Registering published ports

Under normal circumstances, ddns-sd will register the container listening port in the SRV record it creates. However, if your containers don't have directly routable IP addresses, that's not very helpful, because no other machine will be able to talk to the container. For this reason, Docker has the concept of “published” ports. These are ports on the host's IP address which will forward connections into your container.

If ddns-sd recognises that a port for which the service registration labels exist has been marked as “published”, then it assumes that the port is not directly accessible, and will only register the service using the host's publicly-available IP address, and the host port that has been published.

To determine the publicly-available IP address to register, ddns-sd will use the IP address given in the --publish argument (if given), or else the address in the DDNSSD_HOST_IP_ADDRESS environment variable. If neither of these give an IP address worth using (ie not INADDR_ANY), then a warning will be logged and no registration will be made for that port.

SRV record parameters

The priority and weight attributes of a SRV record assist in load balancing and failover situations, by allowing server selection to be influenced. See RFC2782 for the full details of how these parameters work.

By default, ddns-sd sets these parameters both to 0. This means that all servers will have an equal chance of being connected to. If you need to adjust these parameters, for whatever reason, use the following labels:

Both labels can be set to any numeric string between 0 and 65535, inclusive.

TXT records

The DNS-SD specification provides a mechanism by which additional metadata can be provided to consumers of a service instance, by means of a TXT record of the same name as the service instance. There are no specific rules for the interpretation of this data, beyond some simple key-value semantics.

To set a TXT record for a service registration, you must set sub-labels of org.discourse.service._<service>.tag, where the portion of the label after ..._<service>.tag. is the key, and the label's value is the value of the attribute. For example, if you wanted to set keys foo=bar and baz=wombat, you would set the following labels:

Leaving the value of the label blank indicates an empty value. If you wish to set any “Attribute present, with no value” tags, use the org.discourse.service._<service>.tags label, where each tag name is separated by a newline (0x0a).

Keys must follow the rules for keys in RFC6763 section 6.4, specifically:

Values are opaque binary data, and the total length of the key and its associated value must be no more than 254 octets.

There is no explicit ordering of key/value pairs within the TXT record, with the exception of the txtvers key; if set, it is automatically sorted to be the first key in the record.

Multiple TXT records for a single service instance are not supported at this time.

In the event that two instances of ddns-sd, presumably running on different machines, wish to set a TXT record to different values for the same service instance FQDN, the behaviour is EXPLICITLY UNDEFINED. At a future time, we may wish to attach specific semantics to this situation; for now, assume that if you give different containers in the same service different metadata, anything could happen, and you shouldn't rely on any specific behaviour that might happen to be in existence at present. If you feel that you need to rely on a specific behaviour, please submit a well-tested, -documented, and explained PR, codifying whichever behaviour you feel is appropriate.

CNAME aliases

(This isn't part of the DNS-SD specification; it's just a useful addition)

For those legacy services which haven't gotten the memo about the wonders of DNS-SD, ddns-sd provides a means by which DNS entries containing regular A/AAAA records pointing to a container (or its host) can be created.

If you set a key org.discourse.service._<service>.aliases on your registered service, in addition to the usual A/AAAA/SRV/PTR/TXT records that are created, CNAME records will be created for each comma-separated string in the label's value, referencing the appropriate name that points to the container.

For example, if you set org.discourse.service._<service>.aliases to pgsql-master,some.funny.thing, then CNAME records would be created for pgsql-master.<ZONE> and some.funny.thing.<ZONE>.

The targets that will be placed in these records will be the same as the SRV record targets for the service; this may be the container IP addresses, or the host IP address, or a specific IP address specified in the publication data, depending on circumstances. See “Basic registration” and “Registering published ports” for more details about which addresses will be used when.

Be aware that there are all sorts of caveats with using aliases:

You may notice that these problems are all avoided if you just use SRV records as $DEITY intended. That is, after all, what we're all here for.

Supported DNS Providers

In order for ddns-sd to be able to do anything useful, it has to be able to manage records in a DNS zone. Whilst the rest of the DNS ecosystem is reasonably well standardised, dynamically updating DNS records is a hodge-podge of proprietary, non-standard protocols, and one protocol (DNS UPDATE) that basically nobody uses, despite having been on the standards track for 20 years.

Because there's a plethora of update protocols out there, developing a new backend is intended to be fairly straightforward operation. See the docs for DDNSSD::Backend for the full speil.

Listed below are the existing supported providers. Hopefully you find the one you need. If not, pull requests (with tests and documentation) welcome.

AWS Route53


Maintains records in an AWS Route53 zone. Currently only supports EC2 instance IAM authentications, every EC2 instance running ddns-sd will need to have the following IAM policy attached:

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Action": [
         "Resource": "arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/<zone id>"


The ddns-sd command-line program (and hence the Docker container) accept the following signals to control the running service:


In keeping with modern best practices, ddns-sd provides an extensive set of metrics on its performance and operation. To gain access to them, you'll need to set the DDNSSD_ENABLE_METRICS environment variable to true; once that's done, ddns-sd will listen on port 9218 for HTTP requests to /metrics, and will respond with a Prometheus-compatible response containing all of the metrics that have been collected.

Since the Prometheus format's built-in documentation capabilities are… limited, to say the least, all of the available metrics and what they represent are listed below.

General metrics
DNS backend operations

These metrics count every “high-level” operation that the DNS backend performs (publishing a new record to DNS, or suppressing an existing one). Depending on the exact nature of the backend, there may be an arbitrary number of actual operations against the data store performed (and those lower-level operations should be instrumented separately). This metric set is to capture the aggregate details of operations against the DNS backend.

All these metrics are labelled with the operation being performed, op (either "publish" or "suppress"), as well as the resource record type being operated on, rrtype (one of "A", "AAAA", "SRV", "TXT", "PTR", or "CNAME").

Route53 backend

The route53 backend layers its own instrumentation on top of the metrics provided by ddnssd_backend_*, to give a more detailed picture of what's going on when talking to Route53 itself.

These metrics are all labelled by the particular operation being performed, one of "list" (get all records in the zone; should ideally only happen once, at startup), "get" (refresh the cache for a single record set), or "change" (apply a change to the DNS records).

Docker events

We keep a running total of all events coming at us from Docker. This can be useful to figure out if a problem with changes not being propagated is because Docker isn't sending the events (if the event count in ddns-sd isn't going up) or in ddns-sd (if the event count is going up, but things aren't changing).

HTTP metrics server

It's not a complete instrumentation package unless the metrics server is spitting out metrics. Very meta. Note that, since the metrics are updated after a request is processed, it doesn't include the request that retrieves the metrics you're looking at.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.